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Columbus, OH, US Change
  1. Nov


    Chicago, IL, US

    Mayfair Theatre

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Upcoming concerts (3)

  1. May

    22Arrow right icon

    Ulm, Germany

    Ulmer Zelt

  2. Jun


    Ulm, Germany

    Ulmer Zelt

  3. Nov


    Chicago, IL, US

    Mayfair Theatre

Live reviews

  • Altan

    Few groups have been as instrumental in the spread of traditional Irish music worldwide. As Ireland’s foremost traditional folk act, the group have toured internationally, sold over a million records and have acted as flag-bearers for Irish tradition, introducing many audiences to this style of music for the first time.

    There’s something evocative about the group’s music which becomes even more powerful in a live setting. The set starts with just a duo of Fiddles before members of the group file in for more numbers until finally founding member Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh enters the stage and steals the show not only with her mesmerising playing, but he spectacular voice which is considered one of the best to ever come out of Ireland. The songs range from uptempo, rhythmic dance numbers which will have audiences tapping their toes to wistful ballads that really showcase the spellbinding range and emotion of Mairéad’s voice. Chances are most audiences won’t have experienced much traditional Irish music before and I can’t think of a better introduction than Altan’s live show.

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  • 28 years have aged Altan like a fine wine - robust and energetic as ever but smooth and comfortable together on stage. Perfect harmonies and timing whether on blistering fast jigs or deeply emotional ballads. Every member of the band is an artist and performer on their own and together, they are more than the sum of the parts.

    They played a number of songs from their new album, recorded on Compass Records with Alison Brown and Gary West, who performed on the record and with them at this show. Gary solid bass provided a great anchor for the band and Alison took her turns burning up the stage with her incredible banjo playing. She stands not quite motionless but just tapping her foot a little while her left hand flies up and down the fretboard and her right hand produces a flurry of notes way beyond the movement you can see.

    This was my second time seeing Alison and my third time seeing Altan - best performances from both. They earned the two standing ovations from the sold-out crowd at the Old Town School of Folk Music. It was thrilling to be there!

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  • Lovely evening of traditional music from the masters of the genre.

    There was a bit of a mix up with the venues seating arrangements but they gave us better seats than the ones I was able to pick on the website.

    It was a sold out show.

    I’m now looking for to listening to the new album.

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Past concerts

  1. Mar


    Chicago, IL, US

    Old Town School of Folk Music

  2. Mar


    Minneapolis, MN, US


  3. Mar


    Somerville, MA, US

    Crystal Ballroom at Somerville Theatre

View all past concerts

Altan tour dates and tickets 2024-2025 near you

Want to see Altan in concert? Find information on all of Altan’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024-2025.

Altan is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 3 concerts across 2 countries in 2024-2025. View all concerts.
