
The clematis you can enjoy in autumn

Some varieties of this vibrant climber will give you colour all the way to November, writes Stephen Anderton

The Times

There’s something very satisfying about a climber that flowers in autumn. Profusion in a season of profusion. Imagine the vibrant Clematis ‘Jackmanii’ rambling through the burnished black-bronze foliage of the ‘Purpurea’ grape vine and you have decadence itself.

The combination will linger through autumn too, for they are as tough as you could hope to find. C. ‘Jackmanii’ was the first variety I grew, fighting the wind at Cracoe in the Yorkshire Dales. It may have only a few wide-spaced petals by modern standards, but it is generous and unstoppable, and I respected and adored it then as I do now, old stager that it is (1863!).

There are plenty more autumn-flowering clematis if you like the idea. The varieties of C. viticella are happy