Behemoth Species in Earth | World Anvil


Gigatherium jobi

Gigatherium jobi (Behemoth) is a kaiju belonging to the Folivora suborder, this massive ground sloth possesses several features not seen in any other sloth. The most identifiable feature possessed by Behemoth are its tusks, nearly as long as the kaiju is tall. These along with its long clawed forearms are the creatures main means of offense. Behemoth possesses a row of bumpy triangular spikes running along his back, describes as being made of "unbreakable granite fortified with metal and ore." The brown shaggy fur of Behemoth is coated with centuries of vines and algae growth, showcasing its usually docile and slow nature. However when confronted by an opponent, this benevolent nature is quickly replaced with brutish fury.

Behemoth is typically docile, observed casually grazing on foliage or monitoring its territory which currently appears to be the entire Amazon Rainforest. Like many passive kaiju, Behemoths presence is extremely beneficial to the local environment, the creature feces has been described as a super fertilizer, promoting extreme plant growth. Deforested areas have quickly regrown thanks to this kaiju. However this guardian protects its groves fiercely, many logging operations have been destroyed by this kaiju.

Ancient temples dedicated to this creature have depictions of Behemoth alongside a creature resembling the kaiju known as Leviathan, suggesting a possible relationship.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Pilosa
Suborder: Folivora
Family: Mylodontidae
Genus: Gigatherium
Species: G. jobi
Status: Alive.
Rank: Alpha.
Containment Status: Uncontained.
Category: Kyoui.
Temperament: Passive Aggressive.
Nature: Bio-Geological.
Height: 107 meters.
Length: 70 meters.
Estimated Weight: 90,000 tons


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