The Windows Key – aka WinKey

 Learn about the Windows Key

Today’s tip is for Windows users. Discover (if you haven’t already) your “Windows key” and learn how useful it can be!

The Windows Key, or WinKey for short, is a key on your keyboard, usually located between the CTRL key and the Alt key, on the botom row of your keyboard:
When you combine this key (by holding it down, and pressing another key) with certain other keys, you can quickly access and perform actions which may otherwise take several clicks with your mouse or trackpad.
For instance, Winkey and D (for Desktop) quickly takes you to your Windows desktop. Pressing the same key combination again will bring you back to the Window you had open.
This type of key combination can be explained as Winkey + D, and I will use this notation in future.
For example:
Winkey + E (for Explorer) opens the Windows Explorer (file explorer, or file manager, as it used to be called.
Winkey + L (for Lock) quickly locks your computer screen. If you use this in conjunction with a password, you can hide your work from inquisitive eyes!
There are many more to follow – keep watching this Blog!!

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