I am the father of three boys. My oldest is 11. While tall for his age, he is still not my 6’1” height, and I can remember many occasions where I have had to lift him up to give him a better view of something that was farther away or just out of his line of sight.

My height helps me see things he can’t.

Another example (though one less pleasant for me): I’m around 40 years old. Obviously, I’m not that old, but I’m certainly older than my son. I remember President Reagan, and I clearly remember George H. W. Bush, probably due to the first Gulf War. My 11-year-old son, on the other hand, doesn’t even remember former President Obama: his entire political awareness has been centered on the single term of former President Trump. He is, chronologically speaking, short. 

Through Generation Joshua, I work with teenagers all over the country who are old enough to understand politics and the important role it can play in our lives. They are passionate. They are motivated by issues they care about. And amidst the swirl of information they wade through daily, these teens are painfully aware of the problems and struggles our country faces. However, they still share something with my son: chronologically speaking, they, too, are short.

It is easy to lose perspective, even for chronologically “medium” homeschooling parents like you and me. But as adults, it is our responsibility—even duty—to lift the young people onto our metaphorical shoulders and help them see. Just like physical height, chronological height can easily be compensated for—so let’s help them.