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Touchstone #5

In Arcadia

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One does not simply walk onto another planet. At least not without the help of a daughter who has developed unlikely powers, fought an intra-dimensional war, and then arranged for a family relocation to a futuristic clone of Earth. Laura Devlin would gladly have paid any price to have her daughter back, so living in a techno-paradise with spaceship views is merely an added bonus. And a dream come true.

But Arcadian paradises do not come without complications. Laura's include a plethora of psychic grandchildren. Interplanetary diplomacy. Her daughter's immense fame. And KOTIS, the military watchdog that seems to consider Laura's entire family government property.

Forewarned by her daughter's experiences, Laura had anticipated as many problems as she could, and didn't doubt her ability to cope with the rest. But she had not planned on Gidds Selkie, a military officer 'chipped from flint' and not at all the sort of man lifelong geek Laura had ever imagined would find her interesting.

Burned in the past, Laura is surprised to find herself tempted. Is this a new start to go with a new world? Or a mismatch doomed to failure?

252 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2017

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About the author

Andrea K. Höst

25 books793 followers
Born in Sweden and raised in Australia, Andrea K Höst currently lives in Sydney. She writes fantasy, but wanders occasionally into science fantasy.

Her novel "The Silence of Medair" was a finalist for the 2010 Aurealis Award for best fantasy novel. Her novella "Forfeit" won the 2016 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novella.

She also occasionally publishes romance under the name Karan K Anders.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,146 reviews1,847 followers
October 20, 2022
This is fifth in the series and you definitely want to read the others first, including the Gratuitous Epilogue.

This is an odd little follow-on from the series. It's different in pretty much every way. It's Cass's mother's PoV and told with a traditional third-person narrator (as opposed to the epistolary form of the rest of the series). It also lacks anything resembling a plot. Laura migrates to Muina to be near her daughter and grandkids. She learns stuff. She does stuff. She falls in love.

So really, it's a straight-up love story, only with the Muinaverse setting. The love bit goes pretty smoothly, though, so even that's a bit of an oversell.

And I know that all sounds boring, but it truly is not. Or, at least, it wasn't for me. I was totally in for Laura and Gidds, despite his weird name. And I loved the glimpses of life on Arcadia (the island Cass bought at the end of the series). I was fully engaged/entertained and I'm giving it all the stars for being exactly what I wanted it to be, even if it wasn't a story in any real sense.

A note about Steamy: There are a couple of explicit sex scenes, at least enough to trigger the tag. But only barely as most of the time Höst pulls back from the explicit bits. Again, that's all I really wanted so I was totally okay with that.
Profile Image for Laura (Kyahgirl).
2,184 reviews147 followers
March 26, 2023
3.5/5; 4 stars; B+

This is like another epilogue to The Touchstone Trilogy in my opinion. I would highly recommend it to fans of the series but not to anyone seeking a standalone fantasy or romance.

The backstory and character development that was done over the course of several hundred pages of the Touchstone books is not included in this book. What is included is a look, through a different lens, of a character who was always opaque in the series. In the series Tsur Selkie was a dominant force in the world of the Setari teams but he was never really given much screen time as a person.

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him and Laura find a HEA together as well as making all the other characters squirm a bit because most of them didn't really see him as a person either.
Profile Image for Mara.
2,505 reviews250 followers
January 3, 2017
This book would make a wonderful Disney cartoon. Most, and I mean most, of it are descriptions of alien places, plants, alien and earth games and, let's repeat, places, plants, characters within a game.
It's squeaky clean in all sense, no adult themes, no form of any negativity.

Wonderful cartoon, but hell of a boring book. At 50% I was close to tears, at 94% I was still thinking of dissing it.

There is no plot, and I mean that literally. Nothing. At all. Unless you consider a plot the description of someone's everyday life. What they eat, what they do, what they talk about. Not the adventure of a Robinson family in space. It would be something...
There's no romance, again literally. The 3rd time they meet they have sex (I guess) and start a relationship. Why? No idea. There's nothing to this romance. Let's not talk of chemistry, too daring, but anything would have been appreciated. The heroine's sister makes a "jack and jill kissing" kind of joke and it all starts. Going against the grain (and what you're told of the backstory. Something like the guy tried to kill her daughter, was her guard, as in prison guard...) But then it's definitely not the only thing that has no sense. Because this isn't a stand alone book, notwithstanding what the blurb say. Yes, you get the gist, but understanding has a different meaning for me. See above. Fans will probably read the relationship in a totally different way. I still have to understand what made them move to an other planet....

But the bigger let down? The total lack of characterization. Bland doesn't cover it. They are unbelievable and unbelievably flat. There's nothing to distinguish them. His only characteristic is a mystic "intensity" (mystical as unexplained), hers was the total lack of any reaction. This is supposed to be a woman my age whose daughter disappeared one day at 16.... Years later they discovered she is on an alien planet... with no chance of coming back.... Yes, I'm a sci-fi fan too. But life is not a setting, there's awe yes, but pain too. Difficulty in accepting change, trauma for the past. Do you see any of these feelings or reaction? No, nothing of these was in the book. Again I wonder if this author can write adults. But then I think of Medair or Rose..

Here however the heroine made me think of a cow, placid, unperturbed, stupidly gazing and grazing. Uncaring and unknowing if her next stop was the butcher. So not what I wanted to read.

Nothing happens, and again I mean it literally. This novel has value only for fans who want to keep updated with their heroes. To them it will be a great epilogue. On the other side other readers may plan seppuku.

Profile Image for Estara.
799 reviews134 followers
April 22, 2017
This book, just as Andrea mentions in her blog post, is set after Gratuitous Epilogue and builds on that from its timeline, but the focus is squarely on the new immigrants from Earth and not on Cass and the Setari - I loved that it shone a light into corners that Andrea couldn't fit in with the rest of the series, but also gives a further look to the future than was possible so far.

I love the closer look at the Kalrani programme and the family interactions and Aunt Sue is amazing - I took note of her when she took that video of Cass in book one but she's a tour de force (Andrea, I'll buy a book with her any time... what am I saying I'll buy anything in this series) and the background of Gidds Selkie and his family.

Andrea says this is her first clear romance and it is that, but as always with this series it illuminates more than just the couple in question. Especially Laura's history and the way she does family and where Cass gets it from, but also where Cass has grown to be her own woman and not just 'daughter of her mother' are shown.

So why am I giving the book only four stars:

But that's on me and not on the hopeful view of the book. ^^ By the way, on my Sony eReader the book had 209 pages.
Full disclosure: This book was a gift from the author to me as a major fangirl. I'd have bought it, of course, if I'd known it was coming.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jen (Finally changed her GR pic).
2,901 reviews27 followers
April 27, 2018
I....I don't even know what to say. I THOUGHT I was ok with this series ending at the Gratuitous Epilogue. Then this book came out and I read it and I NEED MORE NOW KK THANKS!!!

Serious book hangover. I need to add a new shelf for books that cause hangovers. Cuz THIS BOOK.

At first, it actually took some time to get into. If you have read the books already in rapid succession as I did, then there was a LOT of re-cap to the point of info-dumping. That was annoying and it's NOT written in the diary format the first four books are. And it's from the POV of a completely different character, though you do get to see a BIT of Cass and her family, it's not front and center.

So yeah, it took some adjusting. But then the magical writing drew me into the world and I WANT TO GO TO MUNIA. Like yesterday.

And I also want more books in this world. Like right now.

Ok, this review is not coherent at all. It's not really talking about the book, the characters, the world building, etc. Not very well anyway.

Let me just say that 1) in order to really understand the awesomeness of this book, you need to read the others in order first. 2) you NEED to read these books!!!!

But THAT ENDING!!!! I was not happy with how quickly I finished this book, because it's not enough. And then the ending makes all SORTS of new questions pop up and I am praying we get them. I can't make up my own portion of the story half as well as the author can. May she live and write forever!!

5, ohmaigoodnessiamabouttodiewithoutmoreRIGHTNOW, stars. Do yourself a favor. Just read these books. You won't regret it. :)
Profile Image for quesalganlosdragones.
85 reviews4 followers
January 2, 2017
What an awesome new year's surprise, thank you! there is no way I can be critical of any of the touchstone books. I love them and they are some of the few books I reread. This one centred on Laura, Cass' Mum and a potential relationship that was hinted at in one of the previous books with Tsur Selkie. It was so lovely to be immersed in a new chapter of Muina and you can definitely see where Cass get's her understated and thoughtful drive from. Cass' family was close and relateable and funny and fleshed out in a way that families often aren't in books and I will read any 'side' story about any of the inhabitants of Arcadia or other Setari
Profile Image for Li.
1,039 reviews31 followers
December 31, 2021
Well, this was a lovely and satisfying “slice-of-life” addition to the Touchstone series.

If you wanted more than just the Gratuitous Epilogue (I know I did!), then this is the perfect read. It was so good to see Cass and the whole gang again, and I loved the quiet romance that unfolded between Laura and Gidds Selkie. Now all I want to do is re-read the entire series…

I will say this will work much better for those who have read the original trilogy, as opposed to a truly standalone read.

Disclaimer: Andrea K Höst very kindly sent me a copy of IN ARCADIA as a gift. Else I’d have bought this the moment I found out about it - she is very firmly on my auto-buy list!
Profile Image for Glory.
350 reviews53 followers
February 5, 2017
3.5 звезды
Отзыв прячу, потому что даже то, о ком эта история, - уже огромный спойлер для не дочитавших трилогию и эпилог. Это своего рода второй эпилог, но с очень неожиданной стороны.

Итак, война выиграна, в конце трилогии Касс отправляет все три дневника на Землю, маме, чтобы она из первых уст узнала о жизни дочери на другой планете.
А в отдельном эпилоге повествуется о последующих двух годах жизни сетари. О том, как они справляются с мирным существованием, заводят семьи и обустраивают дома. А еще о том, как семья и друзья Касс тоже перебираются на Муину. Да, мама, брат, тетя Сью, Ник, Алисса и ее больная раком сестренка в надежде на лечение. Такая вот кучка австралийских беженцев.
И эта история... о Лоре Девлин - матери спасительницы Касзандры. А на самом деле о еще достаточно молодой женщине, которая отказалась от привычной жизни, перебралась в другой мир и теперь пытается куда-то себя приткнуть. Дочь замужем, растит детей. Сын тоже почти взрослый. Делать куколок тут не для кого. Работать вообще не нужно, ибо дочь сполна отблагодарили за все и деньгами, и личным островом (он-то и называется Аркадия). Живи и наслаждайся раем, но Лора все ищет себя. А находит кого-то другого.
Цур Селки (которого вообще-то зовут Гиддс) читателям серии тоже прекрасно знаком. И в том самом эпилоге мы узнаем, что у мужика железная выдержка. Еще во время первого похода Касс в околопространство Земли, когда она сообщила родным, что жива, Гиддс в записи увидел Лору. И благодаря всем своим экстрасенсорным видениям понял то, на что у многих уходят годы. Каково это, влюбиться в женщину с другой, недоступной планеты? И наш "Клинт Иствуд" ждал, терпел, искал пути к Земле. Потом ждал открытия естественных врат. Потом ждал, когда Лора немного обживется. А потом ждал ее реакции. Малейшего намека с ее стороны, чтобы тоже сделать шаг.

Это история о двух взрослых людях - с детьми, прошлым и абсолютно разным отношением к миру и жизни. Это вам не Касс, которая все же достаточно легко влилась в новую реальность. Тут совсем нет экшена и вообще особого действия. Это мирная жизнь и притирка. Отношения завязываются примерно в том же духе, как у Касс с ее парой (ну дык, с этими экстрасенсами иначе не получится), но развиваются куда тяжелее. Не в плане драмы и ангста, просто тут много внешних факторов.
В общем, да, это любовный роман, но чтобы понять и оценить его, надо знать и любить всю серию, как бы глупо это ни звучало. Автор называет произведение самостоятельным, однако я видела отзыв дамы, что не читала трилогию и эпилог и сразу взялась за пятую книгу. Для нее - это скука и пустота. Для меня - детальки, завязанные ниточки и мимими.
Разумеется, мы узнаем еще больше подробностей о жизни других героев. И о том, что происходило на Земле, когда исчезла Касс. Даже после нескольких лет ее мама не забыла те несколько месяцев неведения. Ужас и боль. И теперь не в силах поверить, что все происходящее не сон. Ей, кстати, тоже приходится учиться в виртуальной школе, сдавать экзамен на право называться взрослой и прочее-прочее. А вы думали, Касс было тяжело? Как же.
И да, размеренное повествование очень разбавляет тетушка Сью - над многими ее перлами хохотала в голос, каждую фразу хочется растащить на цитаты)))

В целом, как и в случае с "Gratuitous Epilogue" - это прекрасная возможность для поклонников трилогии еще раз встретиться с героями, узнать новые подробности и понаблюдать за развитием отношений взрослых людей))) Повествование от третьего лица, никакого дневника.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Chachic.
586 reviews204 followers
February 7, 2017
I will happily read any story set in the world of the Touchstone Trilogy because that series is of my favorites. In Arcadia can be read as a standalone but has inevitable spoilers for the trilogy. I also think you would be able to understand and appreciate this more if you read the trilogy first. I liked seeing Laura's POV and learning more about Sue, Julian and Tsur Selkie. They were only mentioned briefly in the earlier books and it was nice to get a deeper understanding of their daily lives. Also, it was good to have a longer explanation of how Laura's romantic relationship developed since Cass was baffled when she finally found out about it. And of course, loved the glimpses of Cass, Kaoren and everyone else.
Profile Image for James McRay.
300 reviews18 followers
January 4, 2023
In case you wanted the details of the HEA for Cass' mom Laura, who wasn't even in any of the previous four books in the Touchstone series, because of course you did.

Actually, I really liked this short book because Laura is a great character. Smart, steady. I fell in love with her right away, and it was great to see an outsider find her way in the "Moinaverse," including a delightful romance. Both this and Gratuitous Epilogue were delightful addendums to a really incredible series.

Now go read all of it.
Profile Image for Jennifer Brass.
61 reviews6 followers
March 15, 2018
I really enjoyed this book

4.5 stars!
I loved this epilogue! I know the author considers it a stand alone novel. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this book as a stand alone novel because there isn't a lot of action. A lot of past events are mentioned but not fully addressed. Also I think someone who hasn't read the previous four books might get confused by all the characters and things those of us who have read the previous books know and they don't. I would highly recommend the series and to start with book one.
If you have read the previous epilogue than you know what to expect. A lot of fun stuff and family things. There is hardly any action in this and the fourth book. They fill in on the family and what happened after the first three books. If you liked the previous three books, than read books four and five. Just know that it is more about happy continuations than continuing the sci-fi action of the first three books.
I am hoping that future books about what happened at the end of this book are going to be published. I see a lot of promise for future books. Even if they do not feature Cass, I would be very happy to read them. I would be willing to read and give my honest review if the author would like to email me an ARC of any future books involving the touchstone set of books on my good reads account.
Profile Image for Rebecca Navnet.
31 reviews
March 4, 2024
I just got done reading this and the epilogue had me tearing up. While I hope there in another in the Touchstone universe this book wraps things up so nicely. Definitely not a stand alone but for those who have read the Touchstone trilogy and epilogue (which if you haven't go check them out, they're wonderful) this is an awesome book. I was a bit worried that reading about the main character's mother in a romantic book would be odd but as usual Andrea develops her characters so well that it was very enjoyable to read. Would recommend!
Profile Image for Alexandra K.
71 reviews2 followers
February 20, 2018
It took me a couple of chapters to get into the format (third-person narrative instead of first-person journal entries), but then I did and oh, this was fun. In Arcadia continues with many of the themes of the Touchstone trilogy - fame, privacy, family - from the view of Cass's mom, but it's also beautiful fluff, which is exactly what I wanted. Thank you, Andrea K. Host, for this wonderful New Years surprise.
Profile Image for Lexie.
2,092 reviews338 followers
February 12, 2018
This is, if you want to understand just how different Laura's POV is, in no shape or form a stand alone from the Touchstone books.

Laura views Muina, the Setari, Selkie and the Taren society entirely differently then Cassandra (her daughter) because she has a very different place in it.

As much as I love Cass' style, Laura is probably closer to how I would react. Likely helps I'm closer to her age then Cass'.

Also dude Laura and her sister Sue would SO BE my sister Tegan and I.
Profile Image for Fides Mabanta.
79 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2017
OMG, this was awesome!

For fan's of the Touchstone books - you will not be disappointed or weirded out in this addition, told from Cassandra's mother! If you have not read the Touchstone books, read those first! Authorlord Andrea - THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for your work! I have loved every single one!
Profile Image for Patience Mason.
Author 5 books13 followers
January 9, 2017
I give it 4 stars because it is not as exciting as the Touchstone Trilogy, which I love, but it is a well written addition to the Touchstone books (including Gratuitous Epilog) and made me really happy to read how my friends in that universe are doing. Want more!!!
Profile Image for Debrac2014.
2,085 reviews18 followers
August 18, 2020
Continuing the series with Laura's happily ever after!

2020 re-read! It was good to go back to Muina!
Profile Image for Hélène Louise.
Author 17 books93 followers
February 11, 2021
I love the touchstone series, and was very excited to be able read about the first months of Laura, Cassandra's mother, in Arcadia, on Muina. The romance could only be great, all was set for a fantastic read.

Alas if I appreciated the story in its whole, my reading comfort was weak.
The main story is great, but alas wasted (in my point of view, of course), by some writing choices.

I liked the beginning, even if I was troubled by the similarity of tone with the precedent book of the series, Touchstone epilogue. I would have love to hear Laura voice, especially as she's a quiet, confident and cautious kind of person. Strong and interesting. But the narration, using the third person, which can be great to expose a character's personality, wasn't convincing here. I think that Laura's confidences, especially since the disposition of her daughter, would have been much more moving.

There were some weak points.
Too much care given to secondary characters, characters interacting in a game for a rather long time (I understand the idea, but it was too long and boring to my taste, and some new names for all the participants, for pity sake, there are sooo much characters already in the series to remember of!), a weird rhythm (I couldn't sense any progress atmosphere like, any chapter could be at the beginning, the middle or the end of the story) and some script errors (the first time Laura takes her lover to her bed, it's very early in the evening, and she doesn't seem to realise that her 16 yo son could ask for her anytime!! And the baby, who seems to disappear for a good part of the book; how could Laura be so little interested in her grandson ?!)

But still, the brilliance of the rest could easily have made for it, but for one thing.
One person.

It's always awkward and uncomfortable, as a reader, to loath a character supposed to be exceedingly cool. I must confess that I can't stand Sue, Laura's sister.
She's portrayed as a very clever and witty person, deliciously arch and insightful.
In fact she behaves like a pretentious, indiscreet and unsubtle teenager. As an adult, she's unbearable.

But all this could have been a detail, if Sue had known her place.
But she's all over the place!
Her character is much more detailed and exposed than Laura's. She makes all the jokes, the thinking. She's horribly intrusive, popping in all the more personal moments, invited by her sister!
I hate this kind of chicklitt scenario, chatting with ones bestie about the love interests. It's already indigest in a chicklitt novel or a stereotypical YA one.
But there? How could an intelligent and independent woman as Laura could stand such a romance, without nearly any intimity?
Laura didn't need her sister's help to make her mind. All purposes of Sue's interventions could have been replaced by letting Laura speak (and think!) for herself, using a first person narrative.

I really hope that the next book won't be about Sue, I wouldn't be able to read it...

Sorry for this rather raving review, but it's always so disappointing to see a lovely read devastated by some - perfectly legitimate, the author is the boss :P - choices...
Profile Image for mirba.
878 reviews24 followers
February 16, 2017
If you like the touchstone serie and like to go back to it once in a while for misterious reasons like I seems to have a need to, this is a book to add to your shelf.
It might be good as a light romance to read on its own. The story is seen from Cass mother point of view. And there's not much in terms of action or story that happens there. It's all quite in the background, and nothing much interesting happens.
Profile Image for Dichotomy Girl.
2,092 reviews156 followers
May 10, 2019
Original Review 3/12/2017:

This review contains spoilers of the entire The Touchstone Trilogy including the Gratuitous Epilogue so be forewarned.

And I confess, I was VERY surprised by the ending.

But this is definitely a must read for anyone who loves the Touchstone Series. And one might even hope to see other stories set in this world.
23 reviews
December 28, 2017
Hate to see it end...

Loved In Arcadia! I hate to see it end, and will definitely be looking up more Andrea K Hoist! Maybe there'll be another book from Earth side?
Profile Image for Férial.
433 reviews41 followers
January 22, 2017
For fans of the Touchstone books (I am one of them). Nothing really happens but It was very nice to get back to Muina.
Profile Image for Graciela.
28 reviews4 followers
April 23, 2022
i only read this for the cass and kaoren crumbs. it was not as good as the main trilogy. i guess it's hard to make a book that's set in paradise after all the major problems have been resolved very interesting.
Profile Image for Michael Hobson.
84 reviews
July 3, 2018
Great follow up to the Touchstone series.

This book is the story of what happens to Cass's mom when she stepped through the portal at the end of the previous book. A nice mix of showing how she and the other members of the family who came with her get on with their new lives. Along with a nice romance story with Laura and Gidds relationship growing.
As per the previous books this is well written. Less action orientated that the previous books but that works with this story. Good characters, strong story everything you expect from Andrea's books. My only complaint is that we still don't know what happened to Cass's ghost cat who vanished at the climax of book three and has not been seen since.
566 reviews6 followers
November 1, 2017
quieter than the last books, but still good

this one is mostly focussed on relationships, esp. between Cass' mother, Laura, and Tsur Selkie, so it isn't the adrenaline rush the first books were but still quietly lovely in places and satisfying at the end.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews

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