10 Things Parents Should Know About Frankenweenie

Frankenweenie is the distilled essence of a Tim Burton movie; it has all his interests and obsessions - monsters, kids, weird kids, movies, suburbia, cute animals, scary old guys, and as many references to classic horror pictures as it's possible to pack into one movie.
Victor and Sparky
Victor has a quiet moment with the reanimated Sparky.

Victor Frankenstein

1. What's it about?

Young Victor Frankenstein (Charlie Tahan) is an exceptional student with an aptitude for science and a love of movies, but he doesn't have any friends except his faithful dog, Sparky. After Sparky is hit by a car, Victor is devastated... until a lecture by the crusty old science teacher, Mr. Rzykruski (Martin Landau), inadvertently convinces him that there is a way to bring Sparky back. The experiment is a success, and Sparky lives again, though not without some complications, including the need to be recharged occasionally. When word gets out to the other students that Victor holds the secret to life, they all want their own departed pets reanimated. Things quickly get out of hand.

2. Will my kids like it?

Well, it's funny, sweet, sad, a little scary, silly, and exciting, so probably yes. The movie really revolves around young Victor's relationship with his beloved dog, which give it a sweet emotional core; unlike most variations on the Frankenstein story, this one give the scientist a compelling reason to reanimate a dead creature: he wants his best friend back. Tahan does a great job of portraying Victor's affection for the very charming dog, who remains charming after his resurrection.

3. Will I like it?

Do you like Tim Burton movies? Frankenweenie is the distilled essence of a Tim Burton movie; it has all his interests and obsessions - monsters, kids, weird kids, movies, suburbia, cute animals, scary old guys, and as many references to classic horror pictures as it's possible to pack into one movie. Given that this is a remake of one of Burton's earliest films (which got him fired from Disney for being too bizarre), and given the subject matter, it's fair to say that in many ways, Frankenweenie is the film he's been working toward for the last 25 years.

4. Are my kids too young?

Well, the central theme is death, so that's probably a pretty good indicator; if your kids don't understand the concept of death, they are probably too young for the movie; if you take them anyway, there's probably an awkward conversation in your immediate future. But for kids old enough to get it (I'd say 8 or 9 and up, depending on the particular kid), it's a very funny movie.

5. How scary is it?

The last third of the movie finds the town of New Holland under full attack by an assortment of monsters, with lots of property damage and physical harm; even though the action involves cartoonish sculpted figures rather than actual people, it's still a little intense. Frankenweenie is the natural successor to Nightmare Before Christmas and the Corpse Bride, so if your kids could handle those, they should be okay with this.

6. How is the 3D?

Frankenweenie is the first black & white stop-motion animated film in the IMAX 3D format, but I saw it at the World Premiere at Hollywood's El Capitan Theatre, which is not an IMAX venue, so I don't know how effective that version is; the regular 3D version has a nice depth and immersive quality to it. I'm still not a believer in 3D as a necessary component in the moviegoing experience, but it's nice here because of 3D's long association with sci-fi and horror movies, making it an appropriate thematic choice, especially when coupled with the glorious black & white of the classic horror films that Frankenweenie reveres and homages.

7. How is the voice cast?

Uniformly great. Martin Short plays Victor's father, the Mayor/next door neighbor, and Nassor, a creepy kid who is very reminiscent of Boris Karloff; Catherine O'Hara is chirpy as Victor's mother, strident as the gym teacher, and hilarious as "Weird Girl," one of Victor's classmates. Winona Ryder plays Elsa Van Helsing, the girl next door who owns the poodle of Sparky's dreams. Martin Landau plays the science teacher (who physically resembles Vincent Price) with a slight accent that serves to remind us of his performance as Bela Lugosi in Burton's Ed Wood. Young actors Robert Capron and Atticus Shaffer fill the respective roles of Bob and Edgar and deliver solid performances. Bob is a nice break from the usual stereotype; usually the large kid is either a bully or an oaf, but Bob is neither, he's a nice, normal kid who happens to be a lot bigger than everyone else in his class. Edgar ("E") Gore is the obligatory hunchback character that all Frankenstein films need to have; Shaffer incorporates a Peter Lorre sound that's effective and funny; it's not a Lorre impression, but the rhythm, pacing and general sound is evocative of the creepy horror actor; it fits the role, and Shaffer has great comedic timing.

8. When is the best time for a bathroom break?

It's only 82 minutes long, so this shouldn't be an issue if you hit the bathroom on the way in. There's a fairly long section of comical business with the reanimated Sparky getting out and causing trouble in the neighborhood after Victor hides him in the attic; it's entertaining but not entirely vital to the plot.

9. How is the music?

Danny Elfman continues his long association with Burton by providing a nicely atmospheric score that perfectly suits the film. Karen O performs a song over the end credits called "Strange Love" that's also the center of a companion CD, "Frankenweenie Unleashed," a collection of "songs from and inspired by the film" that also features artists such as Neon Trees, Robert Smith, Plain White Ts, Grace potter with the Flaming Lips, and a Danny Elfman song performed by Winona Ryder extolling the virtues of New Holland.

10. Do I need to stay through the end credits?

There's no bonus scene at the end, but there are some comedic sequences during the credits that you'll enjoy. These sequences end long before the credits do.